Kishiwada Danijiri Matsuri No.1
September 26, 2016No offence to Kishiwada people.
It’s true I didn’t expect much for the festival. Maybe since my mom described the area as where the infamous baseball player Kiyohara (well… I still love his charactor though) from. Or it’s because my friend told me that Kishiwada is Japanese Compton.
But when I finally touched down the Kishiwada station and went through the gate, I felt like I got punched in my face.
The energy though!
The energy level was so high, not only from the middle age men who only have passion to the festival, but also from the littles ones, teenage girls, moms, olds, and of course cornrowed, eye brow shaved young men… I mean the whole city!
I just couldn’t put down my beloved Fujifilm X-Pro2, and just shot shot shot.
The thing surprised me was that the scenery of the town. Their old Japanese style architecture was beyond marvelous!
I hope you enjoy the gallery as much as I do.